Summer in Nigeria is predicted to begin on the 21st of June and end on the 23rd of September. Have you been eating all through January till date and would like to shed some body fat before the end of summer? If yes, then I am here to illustrate five simple exercises that are sure to give you your desired body shape in the next three weeks and the good thing is, you wont be needing the gym at all. All you need to achieve this, is full blown out dedication.

So, I am going to start with the basics;

  1. Brisk walks: Walking is a part of our everyday activity but did you know that walking also performs wonders for your health. If you didn’t know this already? You are welcome. Walking improves heart health, helps with weight loss, regulates blood pressure, fights cancer, reduces the risk of diabetes, strengthens bones and muscles. Brisk walks is a more relative term than normal working, but here I mean it to be “fast walking” this is not jogging, neither is it running, it is in-between. Try to do brisk walks for at least 30 minutes everyday an hour before you eat in the morning or two hours after you eat in the evening.
  2. Sit-ups: Most people tend to run away from sit-ups but truth be told, if you are looking to lose that belly fat, you will need to make sit-ups your best friend. To perform a sit-up exercise is easy, just lay on your back with your face facing the ceiling or sky depending on wherever you are carrying out this form of exercise. Raise your head up as if you are bringing it towards your legs and go back down, do not raise your legs. Go for about 10 of these sit-ups everyday and increase your number every week.
  3. Stair-run: So you probably live in a house that has a staircase, lucky you because we will be needing this for your next exercise. The stair-run is one of the most underrated exercises Nigerians tend to not rate but honestly it really works. All you need to do is run up the stairs and down at least 10 times, go 5 times straight without a break and then give yourself a 10 second break before hitting the last 5. Are you done? Amazing, good job. Keep this up and you will be one step closer to having all that fat go away.
  4. Squatting: Everyone loves those toned legs and healthy looking bum. The question is how to get it; the answer however isn’t far fetched – its really simple – squatting. We have different types of squats but the good thing is that, you will be learning the really easy one today. To squat, you have to play pretend that you are sitting on an invisible chair. In this position, all you need to do is count to 20. Remember, your back should be straight so as to not cause back pains.
  5. Planking: Finally, we go planking. Planking is really easy and works to strengthen your back and other body parts. Planking basically works on all parts of your body, it helps in toning it. So, to plank you basically lay straight on your tummy, then push upward and put out your elbows and legs to lay in a straight like manner like a table and there you have it. You are doing it already, well-done. All you need do now is count to 20 and that is it. End of exercise and viola body transformation in just three weeks without having to go to the gym.

Please note that during this period, you should take at least 6 75cl bottles of water which converts to about 8 50cl pure water nylons a day, remove frizzy drinks like fanta, coke, mountain dew completely from your diet, eat in little portions, take lemon and water instead of frizzy drinks and eat more of protein and greens than carbohydrate. Also try to get green tea. Thank me later.

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