Baby Rejects Solid Food After She Had A Battery Stuck In Her Throat For 4-Months. (Photos)

X-ray examinations revealed that an eleven-month-old baby, Sofia-Grace Hill had a button battery stocked in her throats for four months and as a result refused to eat solid food.

Sofia had to undergo a two-hour operation to get the battery removed and since then she has been on a liquid-only diet.

Doctors thought Sofia-Grace Hill had tonsillitis or a viral infection until an X-ray revealed the battery the size of a 10p in her oesophagus. A surgeon said her survival may be due to the battery being old and without charge, the BBC reports.

Her Father, Calham Hill first noticed something was wrong in January 2020 and had countless paramedic call-outs and visits to local hospital. He was convinced there was something else going on as Sofia-Grace would not eat solid food.

After another hospital trip in May, she was given an X-ray which showed the battery lodged in her oesophagus was causing serious damage as it had corroded.

 “I was gutted when I saw it and angry at myself. I blamed myself, but now I realise there was nothing we could have done to know,” Her Father said.

The damage has left a pocket in her oesophagus which needs to close but Sofia is improving week by week with regular dilations which is improving her oesophagus.

But I know the chance of survival in the first weeks after this happens is very low so we are moving in the right direction.” Mr Hill added.

Mr Hill is unsure how Sofia-Grace, now almost two-years-old, got hold of the button battery and warned parents about the dangers.

“Just get rid of them or lock them away and don’t give your child car keys to play with. Always trust your instincts as a parent.” The remorse Dad said.

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