Be Careful! See 5 Mobile Apps That Steal Your Data, Listen & Spy On You.(You Use No.3 Everyday)

In case you never knew, 80% of the apps you use today steal your data and spy on you, and if you use an Android phone, don’t even bother to ignore this post, all your apps typically steal your data and spy on you.

Now how do you identify apps that do these? Very Easy! Almost all apps ask you for permission, to access your calendar, SMS, photos, microphone, etc.

But this is an age-long tactic that helps them get access to data you would rather not share, and those ones that ask for permission to use your microphone, they’re most probably listening in on you.

Below are 5 Mobile Apps That Steal Your Data, Listen & Spy On You.

1. Instagram: this social media app harvests your data and can be used to spy on you. Instagram requests for permission to access your location, microphone, gallery and some other parts of your phone. Granting it permission to use this app is granting it full access to spy on you and harvest your data.

2. Facebook: Facebook is the most notorious app that steals your data, and the app has paid the price for this through a $500 million dollar fine for releasing the data of the app users which were in turn used to influence the 2016 elections.

3. WhatsApp: WhatsApp currently has a user base of over 1.5 billion users, which makes it one of the most used apps in the world. WhatsApp has access to your gallery and Microphone and you can be sure that it gathers your data through these means; in fact, hackers can listen in on your conversation by hacking your WhatsApp mic.

4. Flashlight Apps: Although flashlight apps are usually free, they also support ads and will harvest your data for advertisers. So be careful when giving your flashlight apps access to your microphone and other features of your phone.

5. Cam Scanner: is another app that steals your data and spies on you without your knowledge. It is an app that imitates a real-life scanner but also gains access to your private data. “Cybersecurity experts have found a malicious component installed in the app that acts as a Trojan-Downloader and keeps collecting infected files.”

We really need to be careful with how we use or mobile devices, the applications we download and what goes on with it.

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