Naira Marley has officially confirmed his return to Lagos, Nigeria, via a statement on his social media platform. He is back to actively participate in the ongoing investigation by the Nigerian police force into the controversial and tragic death of the popular rapper, Mohbad.
The singer and the head of Marlian Records made the announcement on his social media platform, emphasizing his commitment to assist in the investigation. His statement, shared on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, on his platform, reads, “I’d like to share that I’ve just arrived back in Lagos, Nigeria, to assist the authorities with the ongoing investigation. It’s important I do my part for Imole. I’ll be meeting with the police with hopes for the truth to be uncovered and for justice to prevail.”
Previously, Naira Marley had issued a statement in which he categorically denied all allegations and expressed his willingness to cooperate with the police to uncover the circumstances surrounding the tragic loss of the late rapper. This initial statement, posted on his Instagram account on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, emphasized his innocence and his readiness to assist law enforcement in getting to the bottom of the situation.
In the statement, Naira Marley acknowledged that conflicts among associates can arise in the music industry, as in any other field, but he vehemently denied any direct or indirect responsibility for Mohbad’s untimely passing. He also conveyed his heartfelt condolences to the deceased and expressed the emotional toll this situation has had on him.