Reactions from Twitter as SSS3 boys makes mockery of their alleged Physics teacher

When it comes to training up a child, what are the do and don’t? “Train up a child in the way he should grow and when he’s old, he will not depart from it” is one of the most popular used sentence from parent, but do they really obey their words?

School has resumed for exit classes, so they can prepare for their exams, but some student decided to make mockery of their alleged physics teacher as they did not only insult him, but rather brought was should be called contraband to school; which are, phones and car to school.

The pictures and video have been trending online and Nigerians have taken to Twitter to react to the video, as they have added more salt to injury by calling the supposed exit class students, “Benefit Boys”.

The students could be heard telling their teacher to smile for the camera and later asked him to come down from the vehicle.

Reactions from social media:

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